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Eighth Grade Capstone Projects Make an Impact in the World

At Mackintosh, education isn’t just book learning – it’s also about taking action and making an impact in the community. Last week, the Mack Littleton eighth grade class presented their community service capstone projects to the school community. The community project...

Littleton Campus Spotlight: Kindergartners Get a Taste of Big Concepts Through Familiar Stories

Did you know that the Gingerbread Man can spark an opportunity for scientific inquiry? Or that Jack and his beanstalk can inspire a hands-on engineering challenge? Our kindergarten learners, through the exciting world of fairy tales, have embarked on a journey that...

Bienvenidos al Mercado! Mack Littleton 5th and 6th Grade Spanish Students Create Latin American Market

¿Cuánto cuesta? ¡Es demasiado! Mack Littleton 5th and 6th graders created a Latin American mercado (market) in alignment with the International Relations Unit of Inquiry. Inspired by a conversation with a student who suggested that it would be fun to have a market,...
Mackintosh Academy Littleton